Healing skin conditions naturally

A drop in temperature and humidity during the cooler months can often trigger flare-ups of inflammatory skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

Eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) commonly presents in young children, and may even go dormant for a period of time with relapses in adulthood. Often there is an “atopic” picture, involving other conditions of the immune system such as asthma and hayfever. Psoriasis is an inherited skin condition characterised by an overproduction of skin cells that build-up to form thick, scaly patches that are dry and itchy. Stress commonly causes exacerbations of this condition.

Conventional treatment often involves steroidal creams that come with a host of harmful side effects including suppressing overall immunity. Natural topical remedies can provide temporary relief of symptoms, helping to reduce inflammation and soothe itchy, dry skin. Instead of thinning and damaging the skin in the way that long-term topical steroid use can, natural therapies can additionally improve skin health and integrity over time. When choosing a product, look for ingredients such as calendula, chamomile, manuka, burdock, poroporo and kawakawa, in natural bases. Avoiding parabens, petrochemicals, fragrances and artificial colours is of importance when you consider how much we absorb through our skin.

Due to the chronic nature of these skin conditions, it may take time to identify and address the underlying root causes. Potential contributing factors may include suboptimal gut function, leaky gut, nutrient deficiencies, impaired immuntiy, emotional stress, history of exposure to toxins and chemicals.

Naturopathic treatment focuses on correcting an underlying imbalance that causes the body to react this way in the first place, and to reduce the severity and frequency of symptoms. A tailored holistic treatment plan may involve the following:

  • Identifying and eliminating trigger foods for a period of time to calm the body’s reactivity and to allow the healing process to start.
  • Improving dietary intake of vitamins C, E, D, and Omega-3 essential fatty acids to decrease inflammation.
  • Supporting the immune system with adequate levels of zinc, iron, selenium, and vitamin D.
  • Increasing intake of orange and yellow coloured vegetables, which are high in vitamin A, an important nutrient for skin health.
  • Supporting detoxification pathways to ensure efficient elimination of toxins from the body.
  • Balancing gut flora and supporting gut healing.
  • Probiotic supplementation, particularly with Lactobacilli species, which are anti-inflammatory and support a healthy immune response.
  • Providing strategies for reducing mental/emotional stress, as this affects digestion of food.
  • Supporting healthy sleep, which is vital for healing